Sacred Passage End of Life Doulas - Journey Companions
Thursday, February 27 7:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
937 Charles Ave
"In many ways, we seek in our faith community to foster the spiritual paths and development of each other. This is part of our call as Unitarian Universalists. This is part of the way that we embrace and acknowledge that science gives us much knowledge and yet living remains a journey felt as mystery.
Please join us for a presentation, panel discussion, and conversation with the Kato Doulas, a compassionate group of people from various faith traditions who accompany folks on the social and spiritual journey work of death and dying. Their companionship is specifically non-medical in nature, and their acts include being stewards of conscious death, with no one dying alone. Some of our own members have done end-of-life doula training and will be part of this discussion.